Jaago Re – A Tata Tea Campaign on Corruption

September 30, 2009
Tata tea’s campaign against corruption is beautifully done.

YouTube – Tata Tea Jaago Re on Corruption

The campaign website is http://www.jaagore.com/ shares some eyeopening stats on corruption in India

Lenovo: Grandma Proof Ad

August 24, 2009
Enjoy! Grandma Proof Laptops by Lenovo

The state of economy

August 15, 2009

A friend sent me this cartoon by R K Laxman, who is known for his The Common Man cartoon. I used to love his cartoon in The Times of India.  Here is another one from the great cartoonist.



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Seven months, one billion – Way to go Windows Live Photos

August 12, 2009

Windows Live Photos a new service (more or less a natural extension of Windows Live Skydrive) reached 1 billion photos within seven months of launch according to the Windows Live Wire .

This is a significant part of the more than seven billion photos posted on Windows Live today (most of which were uploaded before we launched "Windows Live Photos" as a separate service). Just how significant is a billion photos? Well, if you signed up for a new account and started uploading one photo per second, you would upload your billionth photo some time in 2040! According to a report by Forrester Research last year, the average owner of a digital camera only takes 28 digital photos per month. At that rate, it would take the entire population of Seattle nearly five years to take a billion photos!

This is a commendable start. While the number 1 billion is really big, its not so big in the world of photos if you compare it to say, Facebook, which sees about same number of uploads every month. None the less, its a good start for Windows Live Photos.

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Fun Keyboard shortcuts in Windows 7

August 1, 2009
Life without Windows 7 seems un-imaginable. It does small things in a great way and some big things as well. A couple days back I discovered some shortcut keys which are not only extremely useful but fun to use. Here is the list of my favorite ones.

Aero Shake:                                Win + Home (Minimizes all but the focused window)

Dock Left:                                  Win + Left Arrow Key
Dock Right                                 Win + Right Arrow Key
Maximize                                   Win + Up Arrow Key
Restore from Maximize              Win + Down Arrow Key
Minimize from Restore               Win + Down Arrow Key
Aero Peek                                   Win + Space
Navigating the Taskbar              Win + T (And use the arrow keys)
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Yahoo! powered by Bing

July 30, 2009
What do say when you find a search result on Yahoo! powered by Bing ?

Bing Travel – Price Predictor

July 28, 2009

I been a big fan of Farecast aka Bing Travel. For the past 3-4 months, I have not had to use anything but Farecast when shopping for air tickets. I do sanity-check the tickets I buy with Kayak.com/Southwest. Farecast has been a really good buy for Microsoft!  I saw this Ad yesterday on TV. Nothing extra-ordinary about it. A decent Ad that gets the point across.

YouTube – Bing Travel – Price Predictor

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New I am a PC Ad – Because I am picky

April 4, 2009

Multnomah Falls

February 18, 2009
Over the last few months, I have really started to enjoy the www.live.com homepage backgrounds.

Todays’ background image was about Multnomah falls, something I did not know existed.

More about Multnomah falls @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multnomah_Falls

A cool feature Live.com guys can do is archival of the Live.com homepages. Something that lets you revisit a picture you liked 

Really Funny Windows Live Ad in India

February 17, 2009
Came across this really funny Ad on LiveSide . Now here is an Ad the target audience can identify with. The ad truly demostrates the concept of "Life without walls" with Windows.